7 March 2013

I Don't Know Why...

What do you do when a person you trust repeatedly makes mistakes? Do you stop them? Or do you ignore it because the person means a lot to you? Why is it that people keep making the same mistakes again and again while pretending it is not the same? Why is it that they cannot listen to the voices of reason that tells them not to do it? Why do they see the people who love them as their enemies? What is it that makes them blatantly lie about their lives? What is it that makes them betray people that are closest to their heart without thinking about the consequences? Do they really think that every single time they will be forgiven? Is it because they are taken back into the person’s life and given multiple chances? Why is it that some people who pretend to be truthful are actually the ones who are the biggest liars? Why is it that they who have the guts to tell the whole world what they think cannot do it face to face with the people close to them? Why do they have a hard time accepting reality? Why is it that they want to live a life being oblivious? Is it because reality is so much harsher? At the end of the day it’s each one for themselves with most people. It all comes down to the fact that the people you believe to be there for you when you need them the most turn out to be the ones that are the biggest deceivers from all. They pretend to offer support and advice and say all flowery speeches about how they will always be there for you and make you want to believe in them but deep down you know that they will betray you. They turn out to be the biggest hypocrites…the biggest disappointments and sometimes the biggest loss.

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