22 April 2013


Childhood is a period of innocence and wonder which every child deserves. I wish it was true in today’s world. A child of five years who should be playing with toys and should not be worried about anything except falling and bruising oneself is lying in a hospital with various tubes and other medical apparatus on her fighting for her life. It is almost a feeling of deja vu but in this case it is even more disheartening to see that the vehement protests and various other promises made by the public and the authorities remain unfulfilled. The sheer brutality itself makes one shudder as to how can a fellow human being sink to such bestial levels as to destroy a child’s life? To add insult to injury come the charges made by the parents of the child. If they are true it just goes to show how the people who are there to protect us would sell us out without blinking. Such callousness and insensitivity is unimaginable but here we are being shown evidence of it. How can a person look into the eye of an anguished parent and even dare to suggest that they should be thankful their child is alive instead of lodging a complaint? Oh did I mention the compensation offered by the police for the trauma suffered by the kid? 2000 rupees for expenses the parents will have to go through to treat their child, 2000 rupees to relieve the parents of their suffering and pain, 2000 rupees to compensate a lost childhood!!  Apparently this is quite reasonable to the police people who the parents sought help from. Also slapping a woman for protesting against this brutality is reasonable in the name of honoring the uniform one is wearing. I mean what on earth is wrong with people? Is it so easy to act like an animal that has become deranged? Here I would like to mention an apology to all the animals for using that metaphor! I am sure that animals have a better sense of ethics and values that human beings like the police officers and the rapists can never even dream off! Time and again the whole system is made mockery of and does anybody honestly care? Why is it that we wait for such things to happen and then take to the streets protesting? A suspension for the police officers who acted brashly and abused their power is not adequate. “Regret” expressed by the prime minister is not adequate. Statements issued by various politicians are not adequate. Playing the blame game is just even degrading to an already contemptuous behavior. Will all these actions affect the child lying in the hospital? It is as if a cruel joke is being played on the public. Such a tragedy taking place just a few months after the rape that shook the capital shows how lax the authorities have been. Such a vicious attack on a human that embodies purity and innocence makes me agree with a tweet that said such attacks make me wish the Mayans had been right.


  1. maybe the mayans were right. the world *as we know it* is ending. Everything that made us human is questionable now. Society as we know it is crumbling. its a time for laws, opinions and humanity to change.

  2. I agree with you and Sasha, the Mayans definitely predicted right. It's the end of the world if humanity no longer exists. Zombie apocalyse can take a backseat, animalistic behaviour reigns in 2013!
