9 April 2013


The latest fad seems to be online confessions! I have to admit… there are many advantages to it such as getting things off your chest, dealing better with a problem due to advice from people and the total anonymity that it offers. Let me make myself clear… am against certain type of confessions that is inappropriate and to tell the truth disgusting. You guys may think that such posts are confessions and “fun” facts but I call them what they exactly are- poison pen albeit evolved technologically! The problem I see is that some of the confessions I have come across on the Manovikas and Chowgule confession sites are just purely vindictive and pathetic! It frightens me to think that some of the people confessing such disturbing and malicious thoughts could actually be someone I know and cared about. These pages have shown a whole new side of people who are sick and gutless. They air their dirty linen in public and delight in the fact that they can do it anonymously! Well here is news for you people! It is not cool, not brave and definitely not something that is hilarious or fun. Before you go ranting and trashing a person publicly try to think how would you feel if the positions were reversed and it was you that was being mocked at? Please do not give me the stupid excuse that you will never be ridiculed because you have never committed a mistake. If you still use that as an excuse well you are just being a big fat liar. It is sad to see that some people are unhappy till they disgrace someone else. How can people jeer or make fun of the teachers who have made our second home bearable? Yes, there are a few exceptions to that but what right do you have to tarnish the image of someone who is obviously older than you and holds a respected position? Would you post a happy smile and walk around like Mary sunshine if people comment on your behavior and body parts? The people who like such posts are just as bad! If you think you are not causing any harm by doing that think again!! You are just encouraging such people to write even more. Just goes to show that some people are such hypocrites that they readily forget a huge amount of stuff the teachers and a lot of classmates they trash have done for them. You think this is harmless fun? I can assure you it is not for the people targeted. It is downright cruel and unbecoming so stop being so immature. Frankly speaking I am ashamed to have known such people and to have called them my friends. Grow up people and have the guts to tell people you dislike them to their faces instead of pathetically hiding behind the security that an online anonymity can give you!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true ! At first I believed that maybe this whole confessions thing was actually good, due to the cathartic part but later people began misusing it ... thanks alot for bringing this topic to light ! :)
