20 December 2014


Exorbitant amount of pollutants released in the air, deforestation, barren land, loss of biodiversity etc are the frequently seen issues that crop up daily in various media outlets but what you don’t hear every day is a groom demanding his in-laws to plant 250 trees in his ancestral land as the only condition for marriage! A village in Bhagalpur district has a unique tradition of planting at least ten trees whenever a girl was born. Yes, these stories may lose out on extensive coverage because they seem so unimportant and a small initiative but it is these very same efforts that could lead to a change to the vast amount of degradation that the environment in India is currently undergoing.

Environment problems are not just endemic to India. It is a global problem. Every place that contributes to a rise in pollutants not only affects their surrounding area but also alters a vital part of the entire global environment. We can’t just sit back twiddling out thumbs saying it does not affect us. You and I however small can create a change in positive manner if we just put the effort to do so. India, home to the second largest population in the world, can create a wider impact than most. Imagine if all people started thinking like that groom? I for one know that that it will lead to a lot more greener environment and might also play a huge role in abolishing the tradition of dowry that still rampant in parts of India.

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