31 December 2014


So every year I make these grand resolutions and then follow the well traveled route of breaking them. A wise old person once said that New Year resolutions are meant to be broken and how right he was! The first week I am all geared up with the same old resolutions that I make year after year. Obviously it doesn't occur to me that there is a reason why the resolutions remain the same.

So this year I have decided no resolutions for me. Taking a year end review of myself I decided I did pretty okay in 2014. I found some new friends and I lost some old ones, I was taught grand life altering lessons and forgot them yet again, I cried, I laughed, I fought and I made up. There was a little bit of everything.  Most importantly I got a JOB! Nothing beats the joy of earning the money you spend (or part of the money you spend) so even though it’s part time or as some would say “barely enough to live on” but who cares?  I am happy. Then once again it is that time of the year when people are freaking about the things they didn’t do and remembering mostly the bad times. So if you want to take a resolution take one before the New Year which is that the next year you guys will concentrate on the good parts rather than the bad. Most importantly concentrate on very less whining and more of getting the work done. And you know what the funny part was? I didn’t put any effort in sticking to my list of resolutions and yet at the end of the year I see that I have accomplished most of them.  So you never know, maybe the key to accomplishing your resolutions is not to make any (if that makes sense).  And also people this new year try doing something different (don’t make it a resolution), step out of your comfort zone and most importantly make somebody happy.

So for once I am thinking why not just be happy being yourself and welcome the New Year with some friends, a good party and lots of love! 

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