20 December 2014


I was browsing to the news today when one of the snippets caught my attention. A man reportedly spent around $150k to look like his idol Kim Kardashian! I mean seriously? Of all the people he could choose he chose Kim Kardashian? Jokes apart, the debate on cosmetic surgery a.k.a plastic surgery has been going on for quite some time. In an increasingly superficial world, looks seem to have have taken precedence over most things.

I am not against plastic surgery. I am against the fact that most people opt for it without informing themselves about the risks and costs involved and therefore have unrealistic expectations from such procedures. Plastic surgery is after all a surgery and there are innumerable consequences the person has to deal with if it goes wrong.  Essentially, you have to first ensure that you have a strong support base. The changes you are going to make about yourself physically may not be noticed by stranger (unless you are going to turn into a celebrity look-alike like the man above), but your friends and family will definitely notice and some might even judge you for this. You have to ensure you have enough support around you to face that. Secondly, you have to face the possibility that you might not get the desired result. They are surgeons not magicians. So there is a chance you might end up looking worse instead of better. Thirdly, if you see plastic surgery as the solution to all your problems in life you might want to think again. What it does is changes your physical appearance and what it doesn’t is reinventing an entire new personality to go along with your body. Lastly ensure that you find a legal surgeon and learn the possible side effects or undesirable consequences of such a procedure. A lot of people experience pains after the surgery and also the recovery period can extend over months hence make an informed choice rather than banking on your ignorance.

Plastic surgery like everything else has its pro and cons. It can either make people lead a life with an improved self image and confidence or it can lead to the person ending up disillusioned and in place worse than before. So ensure that the surgery will give you an improved state of mind otherwise you might end up being someone you don’t want to be. LITERALLY.

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